S G Capital Provides Global Market Insights in all market segments with Coverage on all Global Instruments in specific Weekly Reports.

Thursday's Broader (US) Indices Report

Coverage - GLOBAL IDX

  • SPX - S & P 500 ( As required)
  • QQQ – NASD 100
  • IWM - RUSSELL 2000
  • DIA – DOW 30 ( As required)
  • NYA - NYSE ( As required)

CZ – PQV, Trend line, Pattern & Oscillator Analysis ( Qualified for > +/- 2 SD or Special Situation)

  • Selected charts that has some distinct characteristics:
    1. MA / PATTERN/ OSCILLATOR Analysis
    2. Poly Trend Analysis ( If Applicable)
    3. Correlation Ratio Analysis v/s SP
    4. PEC Analysis. ( If Applicable)
    5. Sentiments Analysis Mathematical & behavior ( if Extreme character)
  • Appendix - History of past SPX - POM Signals & Key Criteria

Objective & POM / CZ Guidelines

Focus is on the Short & Intermediate term turning point of the SPX via POM’s Price projections and / or CZ ( Bullish & Bearish between the POM’s) . POM is Unidirectional Judgmental Model, It utilizes multiple input signal via the Global Inter market Analysis (GlC), Price & Quality Volume (PQV), Pattern Recognition ( PEC) , Cycles, Internal & External price equilibrium points to assists in output signals . POM is supplementary Analytics to add value to RA/ RI Framework for Risk Management.

  • SPX acts as Risk Benchmark for all the other Markets ( Key US Indices & Key Global ) , these Markets gets priced off SPX- Risk ( in different Proportion) . Therefore within A # 1 – MS Report, our critical component being SPX and its internal ingredients for timely POM & Bullish CZ calls . Our A # 2B,G – MS Report focuses on Broader Indices and Global Indices.

  • All the Global Indices tends to follows the Price path of POM 11, 12, 13 of SPX (except @ POM14, 15), various Instruments will Top out at different time to Trigger its own individual CZ – Validation within 4--6% of extension move for NET SHORT.

  • SPX is still following the Bear Market / Trading Market POM Regimes unlike GOLD market

  • All CZ / PEC D / POM’s – Marked on charts ( in color) below has been Announced on Real time in our Previous Reports prior to Price shifts.

  • POM’s are more favorable Areas to act for better Reward / Risks.

  • Stops always on other side of CZ @ value based on Portfolio’s Risk tolerance

  • POM Conclusions to be cross verified by other methods prior to final decision

  • For Maximum utilization of POM / PEC –D Process for Risk Management. Refer to guidelines within the Appendix

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